The chinese used to bind their womens feet togeather during the tenth century
info about Russian customs
During this past week, we talked about cultures and how they differ around the world. While there may be many diffrent cultures, many of them have many similarities as well as some intresting differences. In class we recently watched a movie which contained The lost Boys of Sudan and their journey to the U.S. It talks about the similarities and diffrences that these men faced. They knew that going to school and taking the ACT during your junior year was something that was done in the U.S. They also already knew how to speak some english and made friends quickly. They adapted well to their surroundings. They did seem to have a problem with driving, and the proper documentation needed for certain things. Their culture is probably much simpler and not so money/time focused all the time. This led me to look at a few articles on my own about diffrent cultures as well as comparing it to mine.
In Russia, if you peel a banana for a women, it shows that you are intrested in her. I also learned that in Sparta people would start training children for war at the age of seven. I also learned that Russian families often have three generations per household. The women also do all of the chores in the house. This is diferent from our life over here, but if we look at it from a diffrent perspective many things seem strange to others that are normal for us. Things like halloween, plastic surgery, and paying insane amounts for tickets to a certain event may seem strange or even stupid to others. We judje what we think is ok and what is weird by how and where we are raised. If we have lived in a certain place for a certain amount of time, we get used to their customs and cultures. I have also noticed a few diferences between my culture and the American culture.I believe that I have some of both. While the Pakistani culture is much more similar to our culture here than you would expect, we do have some diferences. For example Pakistani people always arrive late to parties. If the party starts at seven, people will probably come between eight and nine. There is also a sense of responsibility for your friends. If a friend says that they are unable to do something, you do not just tell them "that sucks". You are expected to help them out if possible even if you have to go out of your way. There are clearly many cultural diferences between diferent parts of the world, but overall all of our cultures have the same foundation.
It's funny that you mention Halloween. I recall a story I heard on the radio. I don't recall the woman's native country, but she had moved to the United States and was home alone on Halloween. She told how totally frightening it was to have people dressed in odd costumes ringing her doorbell. She closed the curtains and sat in the dark hoping people would stop coming to her house.